Ballarat’s performing arts organisations, companies and artists have come together and formed a new association to establish and manage a dedicated performing arts facility.


Through providing affordable and fit-for-purpose facilities, we will support and develop the performing arts industry in Ballarat.

Collaborating in a shared space, our members will benefit financially and creatively, and those benefits will flow on to others in our industry and the wider community.

Photo: Evelyn Zeven


Ballarat Performing Arts Community

Our Organisation – An umbrella association for the performing arts in Ballarat.

Ballarat Performing Arts Centre

Our Venue – A place to perform, rehearse, meet, collaborate and develop new work.


Stability & Sustainability

A home for organisations and artists to perform, meet, rehearse, develop and collaborate on projects, with a long-term focus.

Leadership & Advocacy

A visible and active voice for our community.

Representing our interests in other forums.

Sector Development

Education and training.

Job creation.

Industry pathways.

Audience Development

Raising the profile of local talent & companies.

Promoting shows and events.

Community-centred programming.


Stage 1 – Current

  • BPAC has been established as an incorporated association.
  • We have moved in to 501 Neill Street, Soldiers Hill – a former Uniting Church facility with several heritage buildings.
  • We are building our membership base and raising funds for the foundational costs of occupying the site and running the organisation.
  • We will be trialling our bookings system and spaces with meetings and small rehearsals. This will be for user-members only at this stage.
  • We are applying for a place of assembly permit with our local council (the property is currently classed as a place of worship) and seeking the relevant approvals for our intended use.
  • Income will be derived from membership and booking fees, events in other venues and fundraising.

Stage 2 – Late 2024/2025

  • We will have the option to purchase the property at Neill Street, and, pending planning approval, we aim to utilise it as  a performance venue with multiple spaces for shows, workshops and events, as well as space for continued rehearsals and meetings for our members.
  • We will be raising funds for essential structural works and fitting-out of the properties, as well as operational funding.

Stage 3 – 2025 onwards

  • The vision is to develop a world-class performing arts centre at the Neill St site, with a full calendar of shows and events by local performers and companies, as well as hosting many touring shows.
  • The site will continue to support and develop the Ballarat performing arts community with affordable spaces for creative work and education.
  • The magnificent heritage buildings on the site will be restored and maintained, and will continue their legacy of a community gathering space.


Michael Whitehead (Chair) (Lyric Theatre rep), Millie Koenders (Treasurer) (Ballarat Symphony Orchestra rep),
Beth Lamont (Secretary), Matthew Heenan, Lyn Broadstock (Ballarat Choral Society rep), Liana Emmerson,
Carolyn Bennett (Royal South Street rep), Luke Tonkin, Tim Ryan,
Laura Hudson (
Ballarat National Theatre rep).

Jeff Moran, Evelyn Zeven, Hayden Rees, Miranda Donald, Cathy Heenan, Lyndell Allen, Graham Wilkie, Bruce Dalkin.



Plus: Ballarat Centre for Music and the Arts, BLOC Music Theatre, Vogel Pianos, Staged by Creatives, Ballarat Arts Alive, Victoria Opera.


Bronwyn Akers Liana Emmerson
Lyndell Allen Jeandanielle Evans
Jacinta Antonelli Matthew Faravoni
Carol Armstrong Terry Frangos
Gerard Ballinger Kenji Fujimura
Sarah Barlow Marilyn Furness
Andrew Barrett Tim Gay
Carolyn Bennett Beth Graham
Heather Boyd Elizabeth Hardiman
Lyn Broadstock James Harrison
Ron Brown Gayle Hart
Heather Brown Cathy Heenan
Greta Cameron Matthew Heenan
Cathy F. Caruso-Robinson Paula Heenan
Marilyn Chestnut Sophie Jones
Erica Chestnut Barry Kay
Anthony Cinque Tess Kelly
Dean Cinque Stuart Kelly
Jan Cinque Anna Kingston
David Collins Bill Kirk
Barbara Cytowicz Millie Koenders
Lorinda de Regt-Penn Daniel Lamech
David Deutscher Beth Lamont
Margaret Dobson Bruce Loveland
Kate Loveland Luis Satch
Jill Loveland David Sheludko
Janet McCulloch Kiri Smart
Stuart Mckellar Karli Amber Smith
David Miller Peter Sparkman
Tim Moore Jack L. Stacey
Victoria Moore Samantha Stobie
Brandon Moore-Trye Jamie Swann
Jeffrey Moran Hedley Thomson
Peter Nethercote Claire Thorpe
Lynden Nicholls Miriam Tonkin
Paula Nicholson Luke Tonkin
Gin O’Brien Mick Trembath
Elena Osalde Alison Trevenen
Susan Patterson Andy Vogel
Gail Paxman Christine Volk
Susan Pierotti David Volk
Judy-Ann Quilliam Megan Waddington
Lou Ridsdale Lyndall Warren
Derek Robertson Amanda Western
Tony Rowlands Michael Whitehead
Kristen Rowlands Graham Wilkie
Eleanor Ruth Evelyn Zeven
Tim Ryan  



Peter Kingsbury


BPAC is currently entirely managed by volunteers and we are extremely grateful for the support by the following organisations.