Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Ballarat Performing Arts Community Inc.
Membership fees will support the work of BPAC in:
- Providing affordable performing arts facilities and services in Ballarat
- Fostering industry development
- Creating jobs and opportunities
- Supporting the creation of new work
- … and more; all resulting in a strong, creative and vibrant community.

Become a Member
BPAC is currently developing the structure of our community and we invite individuals and organisations to join us as financial members to begin this journey and help us thrive.
Find the right category for you below.
Are you representing an organisation looking to get involved as a supporting member?
Contact BPAC to discuss options for supporting organisations.
*User-Organisations are those that wish to book and utilise the spaces at Ballarat Performing Arts Centre.
All members must abide by the rules and regulations of Ballarat Performing Arts Community Inc.
Which category suits you best?
Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to your involvement!